Man accused of attempted manslaughter given pass on protection order

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Defendant Erik Grolemund is accused of intentionally slamming his vehicle into a fence and severely injuring his 12-year-old son, who was sitting in the passenger seat.

Grolemund was back in court Wednesday morning for violating the conditions of his bond.

He is accused of contacting Karen Jones, the victim's grandmother. Grolemund has a no-contact order for the victim, which included Jones.

Wednesday morning, Jones was asked about it under oath. She says she saw his name show up on the phone but never answered it.

Defense attorney Anthony Rickman suggested it was an accidental dial, which Jones conceded it could've been.

And with that, the judge gave the defendant the benefit of the doubt that the call was accidental and allowed him to stay out on bond.

The defendant was ordered by the judge to delete any contact information for the victim or other family members.

Grolemund faces attempted manslaughter charges.
