Tampa City Council approves re-vamped bathhouse ordinance
TAMPA (FOX 13) - The city of Tampa has approved an ordinance aimed at cracking down on supposed seedy spas.
The move is being applauded by Crista Hernandez who spent 20 years stuck in the world of sex trafficking.
”It breaks you down. You feel you have no value, you have no worth, you're told over and over again 'you're nothing,'” she said.
Today, Hernandez helps others still stuck in that underworld. She called the city’s new ordinance a positive step.
“Is it going to end it? No we have a lot of work to do but it’s a step in the right direction,” she said.
The council gave unanimous final approval to the re-vamped bathhouse ordinance, which will strictly regulate spas.
Coincidentally the ruling falls on National Human Trafficking Awareness Day.
“It is happening in every city it is happening in your own backyard it is happening in our schools it is happening to your children,” Hernandez said.
Tampa Police tell FOX 13, once the spas receive their permit, they will be inspected to ensure they are following the rules.