35 people sick from salmonella-contaminated eggs
Eggs stock photo by John Morgan via Flickr
HYDE COUNTY, North Carolina (Fox 32 News) - The CDC now says that 35 people have gotten sick from salmonella spread by eggs.
The eggs were produced by Rose Acre Farms' Hyde County (North Carolina) farm and sold under multiple brand names including Coburn Farms, Country Daybreak, Food Lion, Glenview, Great Value, Nelms, Publix, Sunshine Farms, and Sunups. They were also sold to restaurants.
Eleven patients have been hospitalized. No one has died.
The sick people live in Colorado, Florida, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Virginia and West Virginia.
If you have these eggs in your house, you should thrown them away and sanitize the shelf in your refrigerator where they were sitting.