Apartment complex near USF operating on "reduced" power, residents steamed

Renters at an apartment complex in Tampa are frustrated over a lack of reliable electricity.

Those living in several buildings at the ULake apartment complex say they haven't had fully functional electricity since Tuesday afternoon.

"This is our really old AC unit," said resident Ashley Russell. "We have been trying to mess with it all night."

Instead, it's a reminder of the situation that started at 4 p.m on Tuesday afternoon. Her power has been sputtering, with the complex emailing residents that a storm caused significant damage to their equipment.

Ashley and her roommate say they pay $2,000 a month, with utilities included.

The ULake apartment complex now says power is "reduced."

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Ashley says not only is it hot, it's impossible for her to work remotely.

"I'm still sweating. It's really humid in here," she said.

Residents say they have gotten two emails from them, with one at 8:42 p.m. on Tuesday and another at 11:20 a.m on Wednesday. It said that vendors are on site and addressing the power outage concerns.

They finished by saying, "We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience."

Residents say it appears only a few of the more than twenty buildings on site are affected.

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John Dorsey lives in the same building as Russell but in a different unit, and has had to put his work assignments on hold until the power is fully back.

"Lamps, lights, A/C, [are all] done," he said. "[It's] almost unbearable. I have a little fan here, to blow in, but the electricity is super reduced."

Not only is sweat pouring out, their money is too.

"My refrigerator is down. My food is spoiling as we speak," he said. "If it doesn't come back today, I'll have to go to a hotel. Pay for the hotel so that I can work."

Several residents in other buildings told FOX 13 that their power has been fine and that it was not affected by the storm.

FOX 13 received the following statement from ULake Apartments about the power outage: 

"Severe weather caused a power outage at ULake Apartments yesterday evening, June 25, resulting in reduced power across the community. 

The power company is on-site actively working to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Power is expected to be back on by tomorrow morning, Thursday, June 27. 

We understand the inconvenience this outage may cause, and we appreciate our residents' patience and understanding during this time."

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