Attorney takes Brooksville students around the world via Facetime
BROOKSVILLE (FOX 13) - He may be an attorney by profession, but to students at Brooksville Elementary, Jeff Brown is a rock star.
The Tampa lawyer is bringing his global adventures to their school via Facetime. Most recently, he took them on a journey to Africa.
He took the Brooksville Elementary flag to the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro. Brown took a picture with the flag, then paraglided down, with the flag in his pocket.
He says it's the first school to be represented by a flag at the top of Mount Kilimanjaro. His relationship with Brooksville Elementary can be
traced back to global studies teacher, Kathy Gates. She found out about Brown's adventures and thought it would be a great partnership.
"The Kilimanjaro project was amazing. I never expected it to blossom into all of this. It's just been amazing," said Gates.
"It really was a great experience. I'm glad he got to do it with us," said student, Devin Spano.
Brown said the greatest reward for him was connecting with the students.
"It's been great because you guys show an interest in what I do and that's been a lot of fun for me as if we all climbed together," Brown told them.
He said he's planning to connect with the students on future adventures.