Brooksville seniors bitten by acting bug find fountain of youth with new drama club

Residents at a senior living facility in Brooksville are causing all kinds of drama with their newly formed club.

When FOX 13 caught up with members of the Grande Senior Living Drama Club are getting ready for a special performance. 

"When you were younger didn't you always want to be a movie star?" asked Pat Runion, member of the Grande Senior Living Drama Club. "Playing in all those movies with handsome men, you know, that would be fun." 

Kelly Dunn created the drama club and is the program director. She says the performers have found their fountain of youth. 

Grande Senior Living Drama Club give seniors the chance to act.

"[You’re] never too old, and just I think that here you have more opportunity and in assisted living to have those active lifestyles and to do things maybe you've never done," she said.  

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For the actors, it's there first brush with stardom. 

"This is my first brush, yes," Runion explained. "[It’s] exciting playing with all these nice people and having lots of fun, enjoying it." 

Some of the actors have never acted before.

Some of the actors have never acted before.

"It's something to do," shared member Joan Henry. "It's meeting with other people. It's part of living here. Dunn started the program to help keep the seniors active. 

"Honestly, it keeps people healthy, engaged, and socially, mentally. I think it's a good way to age," she said. 

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"We like to laugh," explained member Phyllis Smith. "We like to tease and that's what we do, and we like to have people feel good." 

The club provides a fun act for seniors to enjoy and plans to perform more skits in the future.