Bush says announcement coming June 15

Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush ended months of suspense by setting a date to announce his decision on running for president. Bush will announce on the afternoon of Monday, June 15 in Miami on the campus of Miami Dade College.

Bush's 'save the date' announcement pulled focus from former Texas Governor Rick Perry, who just launched his second bid for the White House on Thursday, becoming the 10th Republican to officially enter the race.

"I want to speak to millennials just a moment: this massive debt, passed on from our generation to yours, is a breaking of the social compact," said Perry. "You deserve better. I am going to offer a responsible plan to fix the entitlement system, and to stop this theft from your generation."

Jeb Bush will be the fourth Floridian to enter the Republican race. He will follow Florida Senator Marco Rubio and Florida residents Mike Huckabee and Ben Carson.

Bush announced that he was exploring a White House bid in December and has been stumping an unofficial candidate for the past six months.

Bush will make his announcement on the campus of Miami Dade College. He has focused on education reform and on empowering students and young adults with economic opportunity. In Orlando this week, Bush cited education reform as one of his proudest accomplishments.

Senator Marco Rubio launched his bid last month. He said Jeb Bush is a credible candidate and said he is not concerned about the growing list of rivals pursuing the GOP nomination.

"I think, from a competitive process like this, you get a better nominee -- someone who has been tested, someone who has had to spend time working with people, fine tune both their ideas and their delivery and I think competition drives excellence. So it's a good thing," said Rubio.