‘Central Ave Live’ educates children on Tampa’s music history

It was a celebration in downtown Tampa on Tuesday, honoring the city’s music history. Musicians at ‘Central Ave Live’ performed songs from artists who were a big part of Central Avenue’s musical heyday. It was also an opportunity to introduce kids to this special music. 

They’re looking ahead to the future by remembering the past.

"Right here where we stand is where everyone played in the 1940s, 1960s Central Avenue heyday," said John Soler, the executive director of Instruments 4 Life. 

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Organizers wanted to introduce the younger generation to those artists who played a pivotal role in our community. The children get a chance to talk with musicians and learn about the different musical instruments. 

"We have a magical history here," Soler added. "Every child deserves to earn their own instrument so they can make life musical. That’s our motto."

Organizers say bringing children and music together can help the kids learn how to cope with whatever obstacles come in their way as they grow up. Opening the door to a bright future both in their lives and in our community. 

"Providing history to the youth that will one day carry on for us," Soler said. 

Instruments 4 Life provides their students with their own instruments for free. If you missed Tuesday’s event, there’s another one on July 16th. It runs from 5 p.m. until 8 p.m. at Saint James Church along Ray Charles Boulevard. 


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