Citrus County seniors wait hours for COVID vaccine
BEVERLY HILLS, Fla. - Seniors in Citrus County were given their first doses of the coronavirus vaccine Thursday. Unlike other counties, the event was on a first-come, first-served basis.
"I feel great, very lucky," said Janet Benedict of Beverly Hills.
Eight hundred doses of the Moderna vaccine were available at the drive-thru setup. It was held at the Central Ridge District Park. The gates opened at 9 a.m. and by 11:30, deputies were already waving people off.
"We waited five, six hours to get in. We got it done," said Gilbert Beaubien.
"We want to travel so we definitely need to it travel," said Sue Ann Doherty.
Despite the wait times, the event ran fairly smoothly.
"Don't be afraid; go get it. Save yourself, save everybody else," Benedict said.
A second event in Citrus County is planned for Saturday. It will be held at the same location and will also be on a first-come, first-served basis. Eight hundred more shots will be available.
RELATED: Citrus County COVID-19 vaccine distribution
COVID-19 vaccine distribution information in Tampa Bay area counties
As COVID-19 vaccines are distributed throughout the state of Florida, individual counties are beginning to release information about how and to whom the two-dose vaccine will be distributed.