City of Sarasota school speed zone safety cameras roll out with warning period

Despite the flashing yellow sign warning of school zones, the Sarasota Police Department says thousands of drivers still speed through.

School speed zone cameras are now going live across the city, but they will come with a warning at first.

Sabrina Mazon and her son walk past Tuttle Elementary School almost every day. She said she's seen in all.

"I’m paying attention, I’m watching. I’m seeing cars zoom by, cars stop right in the middle of the crosswalk and not stop by the white line," she said. 

That’s why she walks with a yellow stick. 

"Sometimes when you walk across the crosswalk they still try to sneak up and turn when you try to cross it," said Mazon. 

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Just a few days ago, she noticed cameras that will clock speeders. 

It’s an extra tool she hopes will help. 

"If it’s going to keep our kids safe, I’m all for it. When are we going to do something when it’s too late? When we are actually burying a child, then we will say okay we should do something. No I think we are being proactive, I like it," said Mazon. 

A School Speed Zone Safety program with the Sarasota Police Department is now going live. 

"The hope is obviously driver awareness," said John Lake the manager of the Sarasota Police Department’s Real Time Operations Center. 

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Speed detection cameras will be active during school hours. 

They’ll remain on half an hour before school start times and 30 minutes after dismissal. 

If you are caught going 11 over the speed limit, you can eventually expect to get a fine. 

"A lot of people have to understand just because the light isn’t flashing you can still get a notice of violation in the mail just for going 11 miles an hour," said Lake. 

For now it’s a 30-day warning period. 

Sarasota Police believe the cameras will help free up their officers as well. 

"They can go to other parts of the city and enforce the complaints we have and not have to rely on sitting at some of these school zones," said Lake. 

Their biggest hope, the cameras will get drivers to slow down. 

"We are just hoping that everyone pays attention to the speed limit," said Lake. 

To learn more about the program, click here.


SarasotaCrime and Public Safety