Dog survives after hanging from leash outside truck
ARKANSAS CITY, Ark. (FOX 13) - A police officer in Kansas saved a dog hanging from the door of a truck outside a Walmart store last week.
According to a post on the Arkansas City Police Department's Facebook page, a Walmart worker alerted two officers at the store to a dog hanging by its leash outside of a truck in the parking lot.
When Sergeant Jason Legleiter and Police Officer Wade Hammond reached the dog, they said it looked like the dog tried to jump from the truck, but became hung by his leash. They also said the dog was motionless and appeared to be dead.
But it wasn't.
Sergeant Legleiter quickly cut the dog loose from its leash and Officer Hammond began trying to resuscitate the pup. The dog began to breathe after Officer Hammond removed its collar and applied pressure to the dog’s side.
After several minutes, the pup became more responsive and showed signs of life. The officers gave the dog some water and, eventually, it appeared to have fully recovered from the incident and was able to stand under his own power.
The Facebook post finished by saying, "There is absolutely no doubt that Sergeant Legleiter's and Officer Hammond's quick response and care saved this dog's life. Photographs attached demonstrate the gravity of the situation and show in contrast what their actions did to prevent a tragic accident."
The Arkansas City Police Department said information about what happened was handed over to prosecutors, who would decide whether the dog's owner would face any charges.