Earth Watch: Lunch Hero

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As a mom of two Deborah Molise knows what kids like to eat for lunch.

"Me and some moms would go and have lunch with our kids at school and we would just see so much waste. Cardboard products, cartons and food were all going in the trash," said Lunch Hero Creator Deborah Molise.

She came up with a way for students to eat healthy and eliminate waste in the cafeteria with her Lunch Hero Program. It's an organic lunch delivery program in the St. Pete area. Lunches are packed in recyclable packaging.

"We're taking the pain point out of making lunch," she said.

With just a few clicks parents order lunch on the Lunch Hero website. An entrée, two sides and a drink will cost you $4.99.

 "Any way to get organic and healthy food to kids in school then I want to be a part of it.  it was just natural for us to team up and do it together, said Jill Johnson Owner of Mangia Gourmet.

Everything is made fresh the morning of delivery at Mangia Gourmet in Gulfport. There are lots of choices for even the pickiest eater.

"If your child just likes a cheese sandwich they can have just cheese and tomato but if they wanted a loaded cheese sandwich they can choose that too," said Molise.

"I don't have to carry a lunch box and there is more options rather than having the same lunch every day," said Indy Ed Student Leila Moayedi.

Indy Ed is one of 26 private and charter schools in Pinellas county who get lunch deliveries weekly.

 "There is a variety of good healthy foods that you can eat even if you are gluten free," said Indy Ed Student Alexander Wahl.

"I really like the seaweed and the turkey sandwich is really good," said Moayedi.

"The parents love the convenience  and the schools love that its hands off because there is no work for them," Molise explained.

Even students notice the recyclable packaging. Fruit kabobs and sandwiches are wrapped in sustainable wax paper called Snuppets. The eco-friendly design is also made in St. Pete.

"You can recycle almost everything in the lunch which is great, " said Wahl.

"We want make the planet a nicer healthier place to be.  We hope that everyone will let us be their Lunch Hero," said Molise.

For more information on Lunch Hero visit