Florida man finds dangerous, invasive lizard in yard: 'Can give you a very serious bite!'

An East Orlando man is warning neighbors about finding a dangerous lizard in his yard.

Gary Nunn said he used a cage to trap the reptile, several of which have reportedly been found in his East Orlando neighborhood. 

"It’s a black and white Argentine Tegu,"  Nunn explained. "This guy in the trailer park said he saw a big one. It charged at him, but it didn’t get him."

Ron Magill, of Zoo Miami, said the Tegu lizards come from Central and South America and can grow up to three and four feet in length.

 If you try to grab it, if you do, it can give you a very serious bite!" Magill said. "They have been slowly migrating to Central and Northern Florida." 


Magill said the Tegu lizard is considered an invasive species and is harmful to the Florida environment.

"They feed on bird eggs, crocodile eggs, alligator eggs. They feed on other lizards, native wildlife, native birds, so they have a very detrimental effect on the environment," he said. "They’re big powerful reptiles and compete with everything else for food."

While the lizard may look sweet and cute to some, "They’re not so cute when they get big," Nunn said. "The most important thing is to let everyone know."

If you spot one, call the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.  According to Nunn, wildlife officers picked up the Tegu that he found and plan to find it a new home.

Wild NaturePets and AnimalsFlorida