Faith in Action: mural painter
SARASOTA (FOX13) - Nate Baranowski's studio is out in the elements. To reach his canvas, he needs some heavy machinery. The mural artist thinks big when it comes to his talents.
"It takes a lot of planning. It takes a lot of math to take a reference, grid it out small, and maybe one inch on your reference paper equals ten feet on a wall," Baranowski explained.
The 28-year old is relatively new to the Bay area art scene, but he's making a vibrant splash around town already. He's painting landscapes and people on a grand scale. He says his vision is his gift from above.
"I think it was definitely part of a God-given way of looking at the world, and creativity," he said.
Not all of Nate's projects are supersized. He does small pieces, too. Just this Easter, he tried out a new skill: speed painting. During service at The Crossing Church in Tampa, he completed a piece by the time the choir ended a single hymn.
"I don't always do Christian artwork, but the ability to go to my home church and use my God-given gift to help people worship, that's one of the biggest honors," Baranowski smiled.
While he says his work is far from a ministry, it's his way of giving back. Nate's making the community a little brighter with every brushstroke.
"I think adding beauty to the world, a smile...I don't think it always has to be a particularly deep piece for people to have a tough day and see something enjoyable and take some joy in it," he said.
For more information on where you can spot Nate's work around town, visit