Family of St. Pete couple waits for answers as NTSB investigates plane crash
Couple’s family waits for answers after deadly crash
Harvey Partridge was piloting the plane he and his wife, Pat were in when something went wrong and the plane went down in a state park near the Raleigh-Durham airport Oct. 20. The NTSB is investigating.
ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. - The family of a beloved Tampa Bay area veterinarian who died in a plane crash is still unsure as to what caused it.
David Partridge was in an airport - of all places - when he found out that his mother and father had lost their lives.
"I kind of collapsed over on the side, and people came up and were concerned," Patridge said. "All I could say was, 'I just lost my parents.'"
Harvey Partridge was piloting the plane he and his wife, Pat were in when something went wrong and the plane went down in a state park near the Raleigh-Durham airport Oct. 20. The NTSB is investigating.
"They were true matriarchs and patriarchs," David said of his parents. "He was truly one of those talented individuals. Everything he picked up, he was good at."
Harvey built a veterinary practice, making his love for animals his life's work.
"You always hear about a horse whisperer. He was a cat and dog whisperer," said David, adding his mother was more private, but equally talented.
"She was the business leader of the business. She grew it in that capacity while he perfected his craft as a veterinarian," David said.
Not only did their family stop in their tracks Oct. 20, but their business did as well. Clients were asked to pick up patients so staff could grieve.
Even the St. Pete Police Department expressed thanks for the care Partirdge's practice gave to their K-9 units.
"Their personal relationship with their clients and patients was the biggest thing they had," said Patridge. "They wanted to be fair people to everyone around them."
The way it all ended was the most unfair, leaving David and his wife to mourn with Pat and Harvey's grandchildren.
"My dad was a good man, my mom was an amazing woman," he said. "Everybody has a lasting memory of them, or was affected by them, personally, that they will take forward and give to someone else."
The NTSB says it will take many months to complete an investigation as to why their plane went down.