Bradenton man lending a helping hand to those impacted by a broken dam in Ukraine

Vladimir Tokarev is returning to Ukraine with his father at the end of June to help thousands of people impacted by flooding after a dam broke.

"There was a dam that was blown up, so we’re going to be going to try to help the people there. You have thousands of people without water, shelter, or food. No transportation out, and we need to, we’re going to go in there and try to take as many people as we can with us," Tokarev said.

When they went to Ukraine in April 2022, they bought three buses in Poland and brought them into Ukraine with supplies.

RELATED: Sarasota man sends supplies to help Ukrainians after Kakhovka dam collapse

Tokarev and his father spent a month in the war-torn country helping Ukrainians get to safety who lost everything.

"We take them to a safer side of Ukraine, western Ukraine, anywhere that's further away from the fighting, and we bring them to centers where they hold the people, they feed the people, and then they're relocated to different facilities," said Tokarev.

It's important but very dangerous work.

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"Driving through the country, you have multiple checkpoints everywhere, you have to have documentation on you, you're checked by soldiers with weapons, you're also driving through the roads, and there's minefields on the left and right side of you, you just don't know what you're driving into, you don't know who's there, you have to deal with bandits," Tokarev said. "Somebody's gotta do it because evil wins when good people don't do anything, and it takes good people to go out there and actually love your neighbor and actually do something good in the world."

They are trying to raise money to bring the Ukrainian people as many supplies as possible.

Anyone interested in helping Vladamir and his father can do so by clicking here.