Child porn found in Citrus County home, man arrested

A Floral City man is in jail facing 12 counts of possessing child pornography.

The Citrus County Sheriff’s Office was tipped off by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children that child porn was detected at a home in Floral City.

Detectives say they were able to confirm that multiple images and videos of child pornography were detected at a home in Floral City.

Based on these results, detectives executed a search warrant at the home of 55-year-old John Downing Jr.

Multiple digital storage devices were seized during the search.

"Downing's possession of this repulsive material has effects that reach far beyond the borders of Citrus County," said Sheriff Mike Prendergast. "By possessing and hoarding these images and videos, Downing is not only creating a market for child pornography, but he is re-victimizing the children who were already exploited by these monsters."

Downing was arrested for 12 counts of possessing child pornography. 

He is currently being held at the Citrus County Detention Facility with a bond set at $180,000.00.