Florida voters prepare for primary vote

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It's finally Florida's time to vote.  Polling locations across the state opened for the Presidential Preference Primary Tuesday morning.
It's crucial for everyone to get out there. But, even a simple mistake could cost you your vote.

With thousands of new registered voters in the state of Florida, Tuesday could be the first trip to the polls for many.

"Please go out tomorrow and vote!" Donald Trump yelled to a crowd in Tampa on Monday afternoon. "Who's already voted?"

At Tampa's Hillary Clinton headquarters Monday, volunteers dialed thousands of numbers hoping they translate to thousands of votes.

"We are giving them information about where their polling station is, what the hours are, and we're seeing if anyone needs a ride," said volunteer Richard Piper.

If you haven't voted early, make sure you go to your polling place. There's only one, and it's near where you live. To confirm your designated polling place, go to your county's Supervisor of Elections Office.

You'll also want to bring one of the nine different forms of ID that the state of Florida accepts, but if you forget one, the Hillsborough County Supervisor of Elections says "you may vote a provisional ballot.”

"We sent out about a 127,000 vote by mail ballots," said Hillsborough County Supervisor of Elections Craig Latimer. "We've gotten back almost 90,000 vote by mail ballots."

If you're among that last 37,000 who still have their vote by mail ballots in Hillsborough county, don't drop them in the mailbox. Don't bring them to your polling sites, either.

"The vote by mail ballot has to be turned into one of our four offices by 7 p.m.," said Latimer.

Just over 2 million people in Florida have voted early or by mail. But, with high voter turnout expected Tuesday, make sure you have plenty of time.

"We still have a lot of people that will cast their vote on election day so we are looking forward to a robust turnout," Latimer said.

Tuesday's presidential primary is closed.  If you haven't registered as a Republican or Democrat, there's nothing for you to vote on in that race. However, there are other races going on in several counties.