Fog interferes with Sarasota traffic cams, leaving drivers stuck or forced to run lights
SARASOTA, Fla. - When fog rolls in across Sarasota County, traffic naturally slows down. But at some intersections, it has come to a complete stop.
"A congestion of traffic backed up sometimes from 20 to 30 minutes before it can get through the light," complained motorist Steve Lagasse.
That can cause some drivers to take desperate measures.
"[They’re] doing U-turns and cutting over the tops of the medians just trying to get where they are going. In a rush," continued Lagasse, the owner of Lagasse Pools and Service.
He has seen the intersection at Clark and Beneva at its worst. Recent fog hasn't helped the situation.

"It creates delays and that’s time. Time is important to us to be on the jobs," he said.
The Florida Department of Transportation says the recent fog is messing with traffic signals.
"When the weather becomes very foggy or very wet, the cameras are having a difficult time seeing the traffic is waiting," said Andy Orrell, the director of communications for the Florida Department of Transportation's District 1.
There are a number of different sensors that can be used to help the signals change. Orrell said fog or other conditions can block the cameras’ view. That causes the lights to remain red.
They can eventually be moved to a timed system once FDOT is alerted. Deputies can also be called to control traffic by hand.
Orrell says it’s a new problem and they are still in the early stages of troubleshooting.
"We are trying to come up with long-term solutions, not only working with the manufacturers of the cameras, but also with our partners in the different parts of Florida so we are not only on the same page, and we can find the best possible solutions to keep Florida moving," he added.