Former innkeeper now travels the world as a temporary innsitter

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Ann Clark recollects some fond memories as an innkeeper.

"I love that you meet people who are from all over the world, they're all happy to be where they are usually," Clark told FOX 13.

She's done everyone from open a bed and breakfast in Barbados, to entertaining guests and celebrities at an inn in East Hampton.

Now Clark is taking those skills and traveling to different regions as an innsitter. 

"Making sure all the guests' needs are met, the reservations are taken care of, that new inquiries are met so the business continues even in the owner's absence," she said.

She works with an agency called the Interim Innkeepers Network. 

"As an experienced innkeeper, I will go and stay at an inn when the current owners might need to get away. They might need to get away for business matters, they might need to get away for a family emergency, they might just need a vacation themselves," Clark said.

She can pick and choose where she goes.

Innkeepers can check a calendar on the site to see when she's available.

For Clark, it's added income. But she adds it's not for everyone. 

"I would not be overly encouraging of people who do not have the specific background in either hotels or innkeeping to pursue it," she cautioned. 

While the gigs may be temporary, she said the experience is just as rewarding. 

"That's the fun of it. You get to move on and do other things", said Clark

For more information on the Interim Innkeepers Network, visit their website.