Gardening helps Johns Hopkins All Children's patients heal

Physical Therapist Assistant Nick Hamilton and patient Kelly Mccann are doing therapy in the garden at Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital in St. Pete.

13-year-old Kelly is challenged by neuro-muscular issues and has been receiving therapy since she was a baby. Nick found out that kelly loved gardening and had an idea.

"When she is reaching, she's helping herself with her arm," said Hamiliton.

"It's my favorite thing," said Kelly.

He decided to use her love for planting as a form of physical therapy.

"Just doing these functional things and reaching in a fashion that the kid is motivated to do, you're going to get the kid more engage and you're going to get a lot more out of them in their therapy," said Hamiliton.

They're going to plant fruit and vegetables and give then give the fruits of their labor to children in the hospital.

Kelly's mom, Jessica Mccann thinks it is a great idea.

"As you grow up, you want to give back. She's been getting therapy since she was very young. It's nice to do something therapeutic that also gives back," Mccann said.