Get to know Florida's six venomous snakes

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Warm summer days and heavy rains can summon snakes out into yards, gardens, and other areas frequented by humans.

For this reason, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) wants Floridians to be familiar with the kinds of snakes common in their area and – more importantly – which ones may be venomous.

FWC also wants to remind everyone that snakes are an important part of the ecosystem, both as a predator and prey.

There are 50 species of snakes common to Florida, only six of which are venomous, and several which are not native to Florida or the United States, such as boa constrictors and pythons.

The largest of Florida's venomous snake population is the eastern diamondback rattlesnake. Thankfully, this snake’s rattle makes people and animals aware of its presence, however, it’s a snake you may only hear but never see.

FWC suggests when outside, watch where you put your hands and feet to avoid being surprised by a snake.

Florida’s venomous snakes:

- Coral snake

- Copperhead

- Eastern diamondback rattlesnake

- Cottonmouth

- Pigmy rattlesnake

- Timber rattlesnake

If you come across a venomous snake, give it space and appreciate it from a distance.

The University of Florida provides tips on snake-proofing your property.

FWC provides tips for living safely and in harmony with snakes.