Bay Area group needs help sending foster families on free trip to Disney World

A Bay Area organization that provides presents to foster children at Christmastime wants to send foster families on a magical vacation. 

Sarah Weaver and Amanda Katzer are working on a fundraiser to send foster families to Disney World. 

"Whenever we're able to escape and go to Disney World, just the mental break that we're able to have and just live in that moment and just have fun and experience, joy and all things magical at Disney," Weaver explained. "So since that provides so much relief for my family, we want to be able to do that for other foster families and for children that have never been to Disney World." 

Weaver is the founder of Christmas for Fosters, a group of foster moms who provide free Christmas gifts for foster families. 

"We go in and we provide sponsorships for these kids, and we help relieve the financial burden that Christmas can create for families and give joy on Christmas morning to all the kids," she said.    

Now, the group wants to help the families with its Magical Moments contest. 

RELATED Foster moms team up to buy Christmas presents for 275 foster children

"We've already started accepting applications for foster families that are applying to win this contest and seeing all these kids that are coming across our desk that have never been to Disney World,"  Weaver added. 

The group hopes to raise $20,000. 

"We want to relieve the financial burden for our families that serve foster kids and pay for all of that," said Weaver. "We're estimating about $6,000 for a family of five to be able to go. And we really want to be able to send three families, but also send a group of five foster teens with two chaperons over to Disney for a day trip." 

The group hopes the trip will have a positive impact on the children. 

"We really wanted to up our game this year in 2022 and offer something a little extra magical. So we're hoping to sprinkle a little pixie dust on some local foster children in the families that serve them by sending them on an all-expense-paid trip to Disney World," Weaver explained. 

This is the first year for the event and Weaver says they need help to pull it off. 

For more information and to learn how to assist, visit