Guns are a public safety issue to be addressed now, demonstrators say

Dozens of people gathered in downtown Tampa Friday to honor National Gun Violence Awareness Day, which comes on the heels of a series mass shootings across the country.

Tampa Police Chief Mary O'Connor read a proclamation from Mayor Jane Castor, and then discussed why this day is important to her.

"One of my largest platforms is to reduce violent crime," O'Connor said. "There always seems to be an increased emphasis on reducing gun violence when there's a mass tragedy. I want the gun violence initiative to be in the forefront of everyone's mind every day."

The rally comes after at least three mass shootings in the last three weeks, killing 35 people in Tulsa, Okla., Uvalde, Texas, and Buffalo, N.Y.

Many of the demonstrators, including Hillsborough State Attorney Andrew Warren, are urging lawmakers to strengthen gun laws, background checks and limit the sale of AR-15 weapons, which was used in 11 mass shootings since 2012.

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"Military style assault weapons have been used in so many mass shootings. These are weapons designed for the battlefield, instruments of war that have no place in a civilized society. Gun violence and mass shootings were at its lowest during the ten years when the assault weapons ban was in place," Warren said. "We need action. There are solutions out there. We just need to have the leadership in place to implement them."

The demonstration comes as gun owners and advocates prepare for the Florida Gun Show in Tampa this weekend.

Robert Geisler, the general manager of Shoot Straight, believes these shootings are reasons to not cancel the gun show.

"In the wake of the shootings, it's important that people exercise their Second Amendment," Geisler said. "We're not afforded the luxuries of private security, so protecting your wife, or your family, or your house is a big thing to Floridians, especially here in Tampa."

Chief O'Connor said the public can help reduce gun violence by assisting with investigations, calling in tips and calling police if they see anything out of the ordinary.