High tide brings flooding to Holmes Beach

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High tide hit Florida's west coast Monday afternoon, and, as expected, Tropical Storm Colin's winds and waves pushed water into many coastal communities.

As the rain began to let up, the wind picked up on Anna Maria Island.

"It is the worst we have seen in a couple of years," said Caleb Helmer.

Caleb Helmer and his friends rushed to fill sandbags.

"We haven't had too many storms in the last couple of years," he said.

Helmer doesn't recall filling too many bags during his lifetime of being an island guy.

"We have a high tide out here today that's flooding everything today," he said.

As Tropical Storm Colin moved toward Florida, heavy rains caused flooding on Holmes Beach.

"I think we are a little late to the draw but if you get out there early it doesn't come inside your house and ruin all of your stuff," he said.

It wasn't just homes that were affected. Workers at Dominos' Pizza kept a close eye on the rising water level.

"It never comes in. It will come up to the door, but we are safe here," said Danny Whitley.

Many waited and watched as the day went on.

"It is pretty bad right now because its high tide right now and you are looking at it in the worst," said Whitley.

After realizing it wasn't going to get much worse, many knew it could have been.

"It is a great learning experience. It's early and I don't like it when it starts too early," said Whitley.