Hillsborough commissioners approve rate hike for solid waste

Hillsborough County homeowners will soon have to pay more to take out their trash, after commissioners approved a rate hike on Wednesday for the solid waste department.

In a 5-2 vote, commissioners signed off on a 9.2% fee increase for solid waste, which amounts to a $40 increase per year, or roughly $3.37 a month.

During his presentation on Wednesday, the solid waste department's director said the county's landfill is running out of room and must be expanded. He told commissioners the facility is one major storm away from a "solid waste crisis" and said the county's other facilities are decades old and need improvements. He also said rising costs have made a rate increase a necessity.

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Some commissioners were hesitant to approve the rate hike, with homeowners already stretched thin. The majority, however, believe the department's issues need to be addressed now before they become worse.

"To a lot of us, it's not that much of an increase, but to many of my constituents, it's a big deal," said Commissioner Christine Miller, who ended up voting in favor of the increase.

"We really have to be responsible about investing in it now and doing the right thing by saving us, first of all, a lot of pain in the future," said Commissioner Pat Kemp, who also voted to approve the proposal.

The proposal includes extending discounts for seniors and lower-income families. The new rates will go into effect Oct. 1.



Hillsborough County