'If there was a time for happiness, it's now:' Happiness Experiment changes lives through signs
The story behind 'The Happiness Experiment' signs
Happiness signs all over St. Pete and Gulfport come with a story: changing the world with a simple idea. FOX 13's Walter Allen talks with the man behind the mission.
ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. - You may have noticed 'Happiness' signs all over St. Pete and Gulfport. There are more than 600 now and the idea is to change the world with only 9 letters.
"Every one that I put up has a purpose can change tomorrow but I can't change yesterday," Gary King told FOX 13. "That's why I'm here, that is my whole life's purpose, is to show people what real happiness is."
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King began hanging signs in 2019, but the project began far earlier than that.

Gary King hangs up 'Happiness' signs
"All I'm doing is a subliminal experiment using a word - one word," King said. "This word has been around forever, but where do you see it? You don't! It's phenomenal, and it's based on a word, and it changes life!"
King says this project is 35 years of research. Six different forms of science go into this, which is something that brand names Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Disney do all the time.
"The more time you see the logo, the more times it's at the top of your mind," he said. "It's not accidental... it's because you look at the word, and it changes the emotional place you're in!"
Gary King believes in the mission because he was the mission. On July 29th, 2012, came the worst news any father could get.
"My son Jason jumped off the Sunshine Skyway [Bridge]. I miss my son more than I can put into words. I have fought for every square inch of my life," he said. "I'm not ashamed to say it - since the '80s, I have come within three minutes of taking my own life at least 200 times."

Gary's son, Jason
"I was put in a position where I wanted to change my own life and do the best I could by changing other people's lives by putting up these happiness signs. My greatest gift is all the suffering I have been through; my greatest gift is my suffering."
Usually, Gary will hang the signs in a visible location. Then post pictures on popular St. Pete Facebook pages.
And it seems to be working! He read us notes he's gotten from people seeing his signs and how it's impacted them.
"Gary: we are grateful for everything that you do. The happiness experiment has changed our lives and the lives of many. Continue your work of love, we cheer you on." King recounted.
"I first saw the happiness experiment TB signs on the day of my miscarriage last year. The signs reminded me that it was all going to be okay, and that I could find happiness during and after this," another note read.
Gary also said he received letters from people in the community that said the word changed their lives.

"She said, 'I wrote you a letter to tell you that I have bipolar disorder so bad that I got in my car, drove to the Sunshine Skyway to jump off. I saw one of your signs and decided to turn around and go home."
His darkest of days turned to sunlight with 1 word...
King plans to eventually have these signs in cities all over the world to remind us all to be happy!
"We are here to live a great life. You have control of what goes on in here," he said gesturing inward. "Not what goes on out there. If there was ever a time when we need happiness to be the focus, it's now."
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If you have a request for the location of a sign, you can reach out to him on Facebook.