It's a girl: Zoo in California introduced Pauline the lion cub

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Adorable lion cub introduced to the world

The Santa Barbara Zoo introduced Pauline to the world in an adorable video.

The Santa Barbara Zoo in California has announced a lion cub born in early November is a female and will be named Pauline – a “meaningful family name” chosen by her sponsors, the zoo said.

Footage from the zoo shows several shots of the cub interacting with staff at the zoo’s veterinary hospital.

Pauline was born to parents Felicia and Ralph on November 5, but had a rocky start after becoming critically ill on November 19, the zoo said.

The cub was not getting enough milk from her mother and was moved to the veterinary hospital for intensive care, where she recovered after learning to successfully nurse formula from a bottle.

“We’re happy and relieved to know the cub has recovered and is doing well,” Rich Block, president and CEO of the Santa Barbara Zoo said.

“I’d like to acknowledge our incredible animal care team, who expertly handled the birth and the cub’s critical care needs, and continue to provide around-the-clock care for the cub," he said.
“This is just the kind of warm and fuzzy news we think everybody can appreciate right now, and we look forward to introducing the new cub to everyone soon,” Block said.

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