Jury duty goes high-tech in Polk County

Polk County jurors can now request an absence from jury duty online if they meet the existing requirements.

The Clerk of Court launched an online application process that allows those that have received jury summons the ability to either postpone their civic obligation or request an absence.

"They can go online and they can submit their request to us online, and if they do, they get an immediate response back that says denied or approved," Clerk of Court Stacy Butterfield explained.

For about a year now, jurors have been able to access the clerk's website, http://www.polkcountyclerk.net/Jury-Duty/, to be able to see when they need to report for jury duty.

On average, 225 people report each Monday for jury duty typically out of a pool of 400.

Some jurors are no shows, others have legitimate excuses.

Butterfield thinks their new online system will give jurors a quicker option to make plans well in advance.

A complete list of automatic jury duty excuses can be found on the clerk's website at http://www.polkcountyclerk.net/Jury-Duty/.