K9 Partners for Patriots finds new home

A non-profit serving veterans has moved into a new facility in Spring Hill.

K9 Partners for Patriots has opened its doors at 15322 Aviation Loop Drive, a new building constructed about a mile-and-a-half west of their old location down the road.

The center opened in 2015 and serves over 200 veterans.

The center helps veterans with PTSD, traumatic brain injury or military sexual trauma by partnering them with service dogs.

"Our veterans work with their service dogs from the very beginning, which is unique and helps them build a strong bond," said Gregg Laskoski, the center's communications director.

Many of the service dogs are rescued from kill shelters, and paired with veterans and train with them for five months.

The center believes the dogs help veterans handle stress and anxiety, which is often common for veterans with PTSD.

"This helps them get their life back," said Laskoski. "There is no cure for PTSD, but the veterans are able to manage it."

The new building was necessary, Laskoski says, because the number of veterans being served has consistently gone up every month.

"We have grown constantly," he said. "Once veterans see the success they have on their own, they often become trainers themselves."

The training area for the dogs is about 11,000 sq. ft.

The new center is about three times larger than the previous one.

For more information on the non-profit, you can go to k9partnersforpatriots.com.
