Latest for public transportation in Tampa Bay Area, tri-county planning
TAMPA, Fla. - With more growth expected in the Tampa Bay Area, county leaders are trying to find solutions through planning organization mergers and the bus system.
Hillsborough’s transportation planning executive director Beth Alden said they want locals to weigh in on merging Hillsborough, Pasco and Pinellas counties into a regional Tampa Bay Metropolitan Planning Organization.
READ: Book bus helping kids stay engaged with learning throughout Pinellas County
"It makes good sense to be doing that kind of coordination across county lines because we’re continually growing together," said Alden. "For example, Pasco County is growing rapidly. They want to have access to job centers in Hillsborough County."
So a survey is up on Plan Hillsborough’s website through Aug. 20.

Some Hillsborough County officials want to merge transportation services with other counties.
"Needs are very different across this region and so the real challenge with putting together a tri-county planning organization is how do we make sure that everybody is heard and that all of those needs are incorporated into the big picture," explained Alden.
Long-term transportation planning isn’t the only possible merger on the table. A new state law requires the Hillsborough Area Regional Transit Authority (HART) to also do a study on its own operations, including a possible merger with Pinellas Suncoast Transit Authority.
"What my understanding of it is one of many, many options on the table. My view on merger with our friends in Pinellas County is that I'm agnostic on it, and I need to find out more information on it. I don't like to commit one way, yay or nay, until finding out all the information," said Luis Viera, the HART board chair and Tampa city councilman.
Viera said HART has had a troubled couple of years, but the locally-controlled buses fill gaps.

Local leaders are weighing their options for improve transportation.
"They are our people with disabilities, everyday working families, our seniors. Many of our veterans whose only ride to the VA is on a HART bus," said Viera. "The fundamental core mission of HART must be preserved, and it should be locally controlled, and that also includes our funding source because mass transit in Hillsborough County is something that's so important."
Pinellas Suncoast Transit Authority sent FOX 13 a statement from its CEO Brad Miller. It stated:
"My focus is on PSTA and ensuring we have a robust transit system that best serves our community. I am always ready and willing to talk with anyone who wants to discuss transit and improving service, whether that’s in Pinellas County, the Tampa Bay region or beyond."
As Tampa Bay’s transportation future continues to shape up, local leaders are considering various options.
Viera said HART will work with the state on any proposed changes, but they want to focus on transparency and serving local HART riders. As for regional planning, Hillsborough TPO said there is about $40 million in grant funding across the three counties, and a regional MPO might help bring in more money.