Lightning’s ‘Community Hero’ uses $50K grant to tackle transportation issue for youth offenders
The Tampa Bay Lightning named Freddy Barton with Safe & Sound Hillsborough as a 'Community Hero'.
TAMPA, Fla. - A grant from the Tampa Bay Lightning is going to a program that helps youth offenders get back on track.
When the executive director of a non-profit that aims to curb youth gun violence was honored by the Tampa Bay Lightning as one of this season's Community Heroes, he knew exactly what he was going to do with the money.
Freddy Barton with Safe & Sound Hillsborough has worked tirelessly to educate and assist teens in the juvenile justice system.
Last month, the Tampa Bay Lightning Foundation gave Barton a $50,000 grant that he used to tackle one of the non-profit's biggest hurdles - transportation.

Freddy Barton with Safe & Sound Hillsborough recently received a $50K grant from the Tampa Bay Lightning.
"We've been having staff pick them up in their cars," he explained. "This grant allowed us to purchase two vans so that we could pick up more kids and make sure that they are successful in our program."
Since the non-profit launched its Youth Offender program in January, it’s helped 254 kids. Currently, 47 kids are enrolled in the program.
"We pick kids up from their home, and we bring them to our center for our day-to-day programming. We also make sure that if they have to go to some type of counseling service or have to pick up something to get back into school, we are transporting them," he shared.

The Tampa Police Department and Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office donated funds to pay for vehicle wraps.
To show their support as community partners, the Tampa Police Department and Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office donated funds to pay for vehicle wraps.
"It's a big blessing, and it was a great surprise for me to be nominated and selected as one of the community heroes for this season. The Lightning has been doing this for a number of years," he said. "Just to be among the number of individuals who have been recognized, I always say that this is not an award for myself, it's an award for Safe & Sound Hillsborough."