Little girl claims racist RSVP to her 10th birthday party

The parents of a 10-year-old girl are speaking out after they say a racist letter nearly ruined their daughter's birthday party.

Their little girl, Harmony Jones, was turning 10, and to celebrate, she invited a bunch of girls to her Memphis, Tennessee home for a sleepover.

Harmony's parents say they were shocked when they received one of the girls' RSVPs. It was a note written in colorful markers. The letters were bright, but the words were hurtful.

"I will not be able to come to your birthday sleepover, because my dad will not let me go because you are black," it read, according to a story by WHBQ.

Harmony's parents say they don't blame the girl; they blame her parents, but they are still upset their daughter had to experience that kind of hate.

"It angered me a little bit. It hurt me that my 10-year-old girl had to deal with this, and I myself never thought I would have to deal with this," said Harmony's father, Christopher Jones.

Civil rights activist Lasimba Gray hopes people will learn from this incident.

"Fifty-two years since the Dr. King ‘I Have a Dream' speech, you would think that the basis for racism would disappear, but evidently it is being perpetuated by those who teach it," Gray said. "When parents run across racism, that's a good moment to teach tolerance, but more than that, to teach understanding- to appreciate each other and celebrate our diversity."

Meanwhile, Harmony didn't let the hateful letter rain on her parade. Jones said she still enjoyed her 10th birthday party with the friends who did attend.

No word from the parents accused of being racist.