Man who hit Jackie Faircloth sentenced to 2.5 years

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It's been almost two years since Jackie Faircloth was hit by a truck in Tallahassee, but signs asking for prayers still line Kennedy Boulevard. 

"My family's been very appreciative of the generosity of this community the prayers the outpouring of support," said John Faircloth.

The community's support is part of what's kept the 19-year-old's family afloat thru countless difficult days and nights, since she was injured on November 29, 2014.

"We're going day-by-day. I pray every day for a miracle to end this tragedy, and me and my wife and son continue to work hard with her and pray every day that things get better," Faircloth said.

Jackie suffered a traumatic brain injury when then-20-year-old Devon Dwyer hit her with his truck in Tallahassee, and then took off and hid. 

Jackie was walking across the road near FSU to meet her brother when it happened.

Her recovery since has been heartbreakingly slow. 

"It is a long road ahead. Progress has been slow lately," he said.

Dwyer was sentenced Monday to two and a half years in prison for the hit-and-run. He pleaded no contest and cut a deal with the state attorney's office. He'll be on probation for eight years following his prison term.

Jackie's father said he accepts Dywer's sentence, but what he struggles with is forgiveness.

"If he'd had stopped, maybe, but he left her in the road and I can't forgive that," he said.