Maryland mayor charged with 50 counts of revenge porn

From the Bradshaw for Cambridge website

The mayor of Cambridge, Md. is facing 50 counts of revenge porn after he posted nude photographs of a past romantic partner on various pages on the popular website Reddit.

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Andrew Bradshaw utilized a number of usernames to post pictures of his victim, which were accompanied by captions littered with racial slurs and sexually explicit language on a number of different "subreddits."

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According to a criminal complaint, Bradshaw posted the images without the victim’s knowledge or consent in order to inflict harm on her.

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Bradshaw faces a maximum penalty of two years behind bars and a $5,000 fine for each count.

"Using someone’s private images without their consent is a serious breach of trust and invasion of privacy, and the power and breadth of the internet makes such a violation even more egregious", said State Prosecutor Charlton Howard, "Our office is committed to protecting victims from those who abuse their positions of power and trust."

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