Mote Marine Aquarium prepares for Hurricane Helene

Mote Marine Aquarium in Sarasota has a plan to follow during every tropical system that comes our way. 

Hurricane Helene is no different. 

"All of the animals are receiving a normal day. Good quality feeding, good quality care in preparation of the possible oncoming storm," said Evan Barniskis. 

Barniskis is the Associate Vice President of Mote Aquarium. 


On Wednesday morning, he worked with staff members as they put that plan in place. 

They work to ensure the safety of all the animals on their island campus. 

That includes making sure habitats have proper oxygen levels and if any of their systems go offline during the storm. 

"We  have back up power generators for all of our exhibits, but in the event for some reason there is a delay on that generator turning on or the pumps firing up, we do have back up oxygenation where we have oxygen tanks that we can then deploy," said Barniskis. 

A team of staff members will stay on site throughout the storm, ensuring everything is running smoothly and that the animals are safe.

"We have a team of individuals that stay here to ensure the functionality of our campus, to make sure everything goes well," sad Barniskis.