New ‘Nicotine Dispensing Device Directory’ comes with deadline to remove illegal products from shelves

The Florida Attorney General's Office released the "Nicotine Dispensing Device Directory" along with a deadline to remove listed products from inventories of retailers selling them. 

Retailers selling products listed in the directory have until March 1 to remove them from their inventory. It's all nicotine dispensing devices that are illegal to sell or distribute in Florida because of their attractiveness to minors, officials said. 

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Manufacturers who violate the statute after 60 days following the date a product is added to the directory face fines of up to$1,000 a day per device. Those that sell, ship or distribute can also face other penalties, according to Florida's Atorney General's Office. 

As the directory is updated with more devices, retailers will have 60 days to remove the products from their inventories, officials said. 

"We launched Florida’s Nicotine Dispensing Device Directory to protect children from harmful products and keep harmful products that are appealing to minors off shelves throughout the state," said Acting Attorney General John Guard. "Devices listed on the directory are illegal to sell in Florida, and those who violate the statute face hefty fines."

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Florida's Attorney General's Office considers multiple sources when placing items on the directory, including reports of harm, complaints, certain surveys or other data indicating a product is being used by minors at a higher rate. 

For more information and to view the directory, click here

The Source: The information in this story was released by the Florida Attorney General's Office. 


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