Nik Wallenda’s next highwire spectacle on Wednesday will place him above an active volcano
NICARAGUA - Daredevil Nik Wallenda is scheduled to take on his next highwire challenge Wednesday.
Wallenda is planning to walk 1,800 feet – which is about six football fields across – along a one-inch steel cable over the Masaya Volcano down in Nicaragua. His walk will broadcast live at 8 p.m. on ABC.
It’s the longest and highest high wire stunt Wallenda has ever attempted. To prepare for all the steam from the lava, he had to practice with his eyes closed while wearing a gas mask.
PREVIOUS: Nik Wallenda announces walk across active volcano
"The winds are so strong in the area, the gases are thick. There are times and I’m training for this, I will have to put on a gas mask as I’m walking in order to breathe properly and cover my eyes with goggles because it actually burns your eyes as well as facing other elements, as well," he told FOX 13 in January.
In the past, Wallenda has crossed Niagara Falls, the Grand Canyon and the Chicago skyline, but this will be his most dangerous walk.