Orphaned manatee will be bottle fed every 3 hours to put on weight at SeaWorld

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A baby manatee -– barely a month old – was orphaned, and now has a new home at SeaWorld Orlando.

The theme park officials said he was brought to them a few weeks ago after Florida Fish and Wildlife experts found him in the Daytona area – weighing only 50 pounds making it underweight. Typically, a calf should weigh between 60 to 70 pounds, according to SeaWorld Orlando.

The rescued calf is being bottle fed every three hours, which have been documented in adorable photos shared by the theme park. It recently weighed in at 54 pounds.

FWC officials said they do not want the calf released until he is 600 pounds. Until then, he will remain at SeaWorld.

This story was written in Tampa, Florida

Theme ParksScience Wild Nature/manatees