Photographer recreates iconic Burgert Brothers pictures of early 1900s Tampa

Decades ago in Tampa, the Burgert Brothers churned out photographs by the thousands, from 1917 through the 1960s. Some of their sharpest shots were taken while standing on the top of their truck.

"I wanted to do what the Burgerts did," says professional photographer Chip Weiner. "So I put a pallet on my Honda Element and stood up there and shot some in order to get the same look that they had."

Had it not been for COVID-19, it might not have happened. The portrait business had dried up, so Chip decided to shoot what the Burgerts shot – Tampa.

He went to different buildings that were captured on film by the Burgerts years ago. He figured out where they stood so he could recreate the same photo, decades later.

Goody Goody, then and now. Tampa photographer Chip Weiner recreates iconic pictures from the Burgert Brothers

"There are so many people in Tampa that have been here for a long time," says Chip. "You say ‘Goody Goody’ and they remember."

The Burgerts’ shot of the famed restaurant shows Goody Goody at its original location on Florida Avenue. Chip’s shot shows the parking lot where the iconic restaurant once stood.

Some things look better, some look worse, and some are gone. 

Columbia Cafe, then and now. Tampa photographer Chip Weiner recreates iconic pictures from the Burgert Brothers

During the project, Chip improved his method for getting elevation for his shots to replicate the Burgerts. He constructed a tripod on wheels with a pole to push his camera into the air, connected by wifi to his phone so he could see the viewfinder. 

At the bottom of the rig, a tablet displays the original Burgert photo so that he can be precise. 

"The Burgert truck wannabe," is jokingly what he calls his invention.

9th Ave at 14th Street. Tampa photographer Chip Weiner recreates iconic pictures from the Burgert Brothers

He took new shots of the famous Columbia Restaurant. It’s large now, but it wasn’t always. 

"It started as a relatively small cafe next to a bar and it has become the awesome restaurant it is now," says Chip.

He didn’t start out to publish a book, but that’s what it turned into. It’s called "Burgert Brothers: Another Look."

Kress building downtown. Tampa photographer Chip Weiner recreates iconic pictures from the Burgert Brothers

"Tampa is and was so awesome," says Chip. "But what a cool city we have."

The historic Burgert Brothers collection is available to anyone through the Tampa-Hillsborough Public Library. They can be viewed online.

The book "Burgert Brothers: Another Look" is available at the Tampa Bay History Center with all of the profits benefitting the history center. The book can also be ordered online at

The Burgert truck and the Burgert truck 'wannabe'

Tampa photographer Chip Weiner recreates iconic pictures from the Burgert Brothers

Tampa photographer Chip Weiner recreates iconic pictures from the Burgert Brothers

Tampa photographer Chip Weiner recreates iconic pictures from the Burgert Brothers

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