‘Plane spotters’ welcomed by TPA: ‘They’re an extension of our ambassador program’
TAMPA, Fla. - You will see them on the roof of the parking deck or in groups at Cypress Point Park; they always have their eyes on the sky and the planes coming and going from Tampa International Airport.
These are plane spotters and aviation enthusiasts always watch what's overhead.
"Plane Spotters are basically big plane nerds; they love planes, they love pictures of planes, they love to do plane photography. It's really kind of a growing phenomenon," shared Emily Nipps from Tampa International Airport.
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To call them nerds isn't a put-down; these folks embrace the brand.

"I'm so nerdy about planes, I will book a trip around an aircraft," admitted Michael Oster, a plane spotter.
When asked why he loves them, he said, "They're huge, they're so massive, they weigh so much and they get off the ground. They fly, they do something we don't do."
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Not every airport allows the kind of access that TPA offers to plane spotters.
Some airports work to prevent the type of observation and photography in which these amateur groups participate, using law enforcement to chase them away.
Tampa stands out as an exception.
"Here in Tampa, the airport actually runs a Facebook group called the Plane Spot where we can post photos," shared plane spotter Dave Williams.
You can see that page by clicking here.