Poll: Trump likely to win Florida, but Rubio surging

Photo by FOX News 

A new poll shows Donald Trump may well win Florida's share of the Republican delegates, but Sen. Marco Rubio may come closer than first thought.

The Opinion Savvy poll, conducted the evening of March 13 for FOX 13 News, shows Rubio picking up some momentum.

"It still appears that Donald Trump is headed to victory Tuesday night," analyst and pollster Matt Towery offered.  "But many polls, including the Opinion Savvy poll, which show Trump in the low-to-mid 40 percent range, might be overstating his margin of victory."

The results are:

Donald Trump: 44%
Marco Rubio: 26%
Ted Cruz: 18%
John Kasich: 10%
Undecided: 2%

"Trump continues to lead in every region of the state," Towery continued.  "The poll suggests that Donald Trump remains likely to win Florida's primary and all of its delegates, but that Rubio may have a stronger finish than many expect."

The poll was conducted by phone and handheld devices. It is weighted for age, race, gender, evangelism and region. The poll of 787 likely voters has margin of error of 3.5 percent and a confidence level of 95 percent.