Robinson Preserve in Bradenton offers one of Florida's premier birding destinations
Exploring Robinson Preserve in Bradenton
One of Florida's premier birding destinations can be found in Manatee County at Robinson Preserve.
BRADENTON, Fla. - On any given day at Robinson Preserve in Bradenton, you'll find curious onlookers watching for birds of all kinds of feathers.
"They're looking for specific birds that we have that are easy to photograph here, that are not, you know, not so easy to find in other places," said Mike Elswick, the division manager of the Resource Management Division in Manatee County. "The white pelicans, for sure, the spoonbills, the great horned owls, the bald eagles that we have that are, you know, fairly easy to to get up close to and take a good photo of."
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The nature preserve has become one of Florida's birding destinations.

"Robinson Preserve is one of our busiest preserves in the county. We get daily visitors from the neighborhood. We get folks from all over the world. Canada, Germany, England", said Elswick.
It has recently been designated as part of the Great Florida Birding and Wildlife Trail by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.
The trail includes more than 500 sites across the state, where you can view all sorts of wildlife.

"They're a collection of county parks, state parks, national wildlife refuges, county parks. Even some private properties are included in the birding trail", said Travis Blunden with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.
This wildlife tourism not only contributes to Florida's economy but encourages conservation of the state's native species and habitats.
"It's part of FWC's effort to engage with the non-consumptive users. That's people who aren't hunting or fishing. And so this is a way of communicating with them that these are good spots to go," said Blunden.

Manatee County Commissioner Kevin Van Ostenbridge grew up in the area. He's excited to see Robinson Preserve take off as part of the trail.
"When I was a kid, I played out here when it was farmland," Van Ostenbridge said. "We're getting hundreds of thousands of visitors every single year. We're honored by the award, but it also sort of puts us on the map even further. And we'll attract more people. So it's sort of like our secret is out."
The trail includes quite a few places in the Tampa Bay area.
"A lot of the state parks, Little Manatee River State Park, Hillsborough River State Park are included … the Apollo Beach Manatee viewing area," said Blunden. "They need to show that they have unique wildlife viewing opportunities, as well as that they can handle traffic and protect while protecting the resource."
It's creating more places for wildlife and birding enthusiasts to flock.
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"Just a great way to experience the outdoors. And, you know, we're happy to have, more birders", said Elswick.
For more information about the Great Florida Birding and Wildlife Trail, click here.