STEM camp gives children early exposure to exciting career paths
TAMPA, Fla. - A young woman is touching the lives of youth through her STEM camp. The impact she is making on young lives is what's right with Tampa Bay.
Robyn Donaldson is providing an opportunity for young minds to learn the ins-and-outs of construction design.
"Exposing kids to under-represented careers, such as architectural design and doing wonderful community projects for enhancement just makes sense," she explained.
Three years ago, Robyn decided it would be a good idea to expose young girls and minority students to science, technology, and math careers, so she started a non-profit called STEM Xposure camp.
"Just introducing them to the design software itself exposes them to so many different opportunities in the drafting or engineering world," she said.
This past year she had 85 students from first to 12 grade. Seven were international students.
"We had advocates from HGTV, DYI and they basically came in and told their story, their thought process on their designs," Donaldson explained.

The two-week camp only requires a $25 registration fee.
"If we can expose these kids and give them other options, that's the job," Donaldson said.
Tiara Rubio is Robyn's mentor. She works for Suffolk Construction, one of the sponsors for the camp.
"We're trying to build lives because... maybe one of these kids is going to be the future designer of a hospital that maybe my kids are going to have to go to one day," Rubio said.
For Donaldson, it's an opportunity to stretch the children's minds.
"I think it's awesome, especially when you see what these kids are capable of doing and they don't even know that they are capable," she said.
For more information about STEM Xposure camp, visit