Study: Tampa Bay area residents missing work due to mental health

A new survey by Tampa Bay Thrives looks at the community’s perceptions, practices, and experiences related to mental health. Seven in 10 people said they experienced at least one poor mental health day during the past month, 10% of respondents reported missing work.

"To take the time to take care of yourself early so that you can recharge the batteries, that you can get the help you need. Means that you can start performing better, feeling better later," Carrie Zeisse, the president & CEO of Tampa Bay Thrives said.

Forty percent of respondents listed not being able to sleep through the night as a side effect of poor mental health. Tampa Bay Thrives said physical and mental health are related and should be treated the same.

RELATED: Clocking in more hours at a stressful job raises risk of depression, study finds

"If you're not taking care of yourself, if you're not sleeping well, if you are having some anxious or depressive thoughts, it's important that you treat yourself just as you would if you had a broken bone," Zeisse said.

Thirty-five percent of respondents indicated they currently need help to address their mental health needs. Tampa Bay Thrives said this illustrates the need for raising awareness of mental health services and support.

"Remember, when you're talking to someone that they might be struggling that day and, you know, showing some kindness, showing some grace, offering an opportunity for someone to be present as they are, can open the door for them to take care of themselves and heal," Zeisse said.

Tampa Bay Thrives offers confidential support for mental health that is free and available 24/7 through its Let’s Talk line 844-YOU-OKAY.

Tampa BayMental Health