Tampa defense attorney to challenge State Attorney Suzy Lopez for Hillsborough’s top prosecutor job

There's a new face in the race for Hillsborough County's State Attorney. 

Elizabeth Martinez Strauss, 35, is now the Democratic candidate, and she's currently a defense attorney in Tampa with deep roots in the Bay Area. She will challenge the current Hillsborough State Attorney, Republican Suzy Lopez, for the top job. 

"I absolutely see myself as the next state attorney, I do," said Strauss. 

Pictured: Hillsborough State Attorney Suzy Lopez. 

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The mother of two said she believes in having a strong partnership with law enforcement and wants to restore what she thinks is currently lacking – including transparency, fairness and the public's trust in the State Attorney's Office. 

"I think a lot of people don’t know what the job of a prosecutor is, it’s not to get convictions, it's to seek justice," said Strauss. 

Strauss has been on both sides of the courtroom, serving as an assistant public defender in Hillsborough County and later becoming a prosecutor in New Orleans. She feels the experience gives her an edge.  

"Those prosecutors don’t have the perspective of having the defense side and most defense lawyers don’t have the perspective of being on the prosecution side, but I do, and I think I should be Tampa’s next State Attorney," Strauss said confidently. 

Pictured: Elizabeth Martinez Strauss. 

READ: Ousted top prosecutor says he is one step closer to getting his job back

She grew up in the Tampa Bay area and is the third of four girls. Her father, Victor Martinez is a well-known criminal defense attorney in town and her grandfather, Dr. Victor J. Martinez, was a lawyer and prominent heart surgeon who rubbed elbows with a lot of movers and shakers in the Bay Area and across the country. 

Her mother, Rosalie Bolin, is a mitigation specialist who made headlines in the 90s when she married a death row inmate, Oscar Ray Bolin. She fought and believed in his innocence until the day he was executed in 2016. 

Strauss said the challenges of the past made her ready for race for State Attorney. 

"I think resiliency and not judging people and just being understanding and empathetic. In every case, you have to be fair and in every case you have to be transparent,  otherwise there is no justice," explained Strauss. 

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