Tampa demonstrators show support for Cuban protests for second day in a row

Several dozen demonstrators in Tampa on Monday again called for an end to the Cuban dictatorship, joining planned rallies around the world in support of the Cuban people. 

"We are the muscles, they are the strength, and together that’s going to destroy the Cuban dictatorship," shouted Ysrael Mendez, one of the demonstrators at the corner of Columbus and Dale Mabry. 

This rally followed a march Sunday in Ybor City. Some of the demonstrators have been in Tampa for generations. Others, like Ivett Fleites, lived much of their lives in Cuba. She’s thankful she made it to the United States. 

"We have toilet paper, we have food, we have a home, so even if you work, you’re able to live a normal life. You can’t do that in Cuba," she said. 

Demonstrators took to the streets of Ybor City on Sunday, Nov. 14, to show solidarity with protesters in Cuba, rallying against their government.

People at Monday's rally called on the United States for help.

"What we need is freedom, and we need Biden; please help the Cuban people," said Mendez.

Governor Ron DeSantis spoke in Miami and criticized the administration.

"We need to do more as a country to help people who are standing up for freedom," said the governor. "You’ve had no support whatsoever from the Biden administration."

So far, the president hasn’t reversed hard-line Trump policies that suspended remittances, the money Cuban Americans and others send to people in Cuba. And cuts to Cuban travel have also remained. 

The scene at Dale Mabry and Columbus, midday Monday.

Tampa Mayor Jane Castor issued a statement saying, "Today and every day, the city of Tampa stands with the brave men and women in Cuba that are protesting for freedom and opportunity and against a repressive government. This is personal. Tampa was built by Cubans, and these are our brothers and sisters."

PREVIOUS: US Coast Guard warns people in Florida against boating back to Cuba with supplies to support protesters

Some at Monday’s rally said the decades-old Cuban embargo should remain. Others say it should be lifted. 

But, support was unanimous for the people of Cuba. 

"I’m here for them because they can’t go out on the streets to speak up and get the freedom that they have wanted for so long," said demonstrator Suzy Fleites.
