On the Ringling estate, you'll find 66 acres of gardens

While The Ringling has excellent exhibits, just outside of it, you can find the beautiful Bayfront Gardens. 

Besides the property, most of the area is mainly made up of gardens -- 66 acres to be exact.

"The property is very developed as far as gardens throughout the estate," said Kevin Greene, the assistant director. "We have a lot of gardens here from a rose garden to a secret garden, to a tree trail…I mean that list goes on. Then, you have all of the common areas that tie those buildings together that have beautiful landscapes."

Art was important to John and Mable Ringling, and they likely saw gardens as another form of artwork.

"Mable Ringling had a true passion for gardening. The first project she undertook on the property was the rose garden," Greene said. "Another piece of evidence for her love of gardening would be she was president of the local garden club here in Sarasota."

When guests come here they can stroll leisurely at their own pace. They can explore on their own, or there are guided tours.

There is also an app on the website to download in order to receive an overview of the property. It uses GPS technology.

Visitors can explore for free on Mondays. It's $5 any other day and that price includes anyone under the age of 17. In this case, a minor doesn't have to pay if they are here with an adult. Otherwise, visitors also have the option of a $25 annual pass.

"It's a bargain," Greene said. "It's a wonderful place to see. You can come time and time again and always discover something new."

Learn more about the Bayfront Gardens by clicking here.