'They need to shut it down now': Concerns raised over downtown Lakeland's facial recognition cameras

New security cameras are being installed in downtown Lakeland to make the area safer, but now there are concerns over a controversial feature: facial recognition technology.

Julie Townsend, the Executive Director of the Lakeland Downtown Development Authority (LDDA), told FOX 13 back in January that the 14 cameras would be installed on private property to keep a closer eye on corners and alleyways and to be a deterrent to crime. 

The property owners would have access to the cameras as well as law enforcement and the authority's "Clean and Safe Team" would monitor them in real-time and collect the data for 30 days. But what the LDDA didn't mentioned at the time was that the cameras would have facial recognition technology.

"This technology used this way to track and identify people in real time is really chilling in a free society," said Nate Freed Wessler, Deputy Director of ACLU's Speech Privacy and Technology Project.

Wessler said there has been strong legislative pushback in other cities against this software.

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"You can use it in limited ways to investigate crimes after the fact, but you can't ever attach face recognition technology to a live network of video cameras. It's a red line that Lakeland has crossed here and they need to shut it down now," said Wessler. 

Back in January, Townsend told FOX 13 no one has a right to privacy in public spaces.

"This is not any sort of additional surveillance. This is the normal course of doing business. If you're behaving well, you should have no problems," said Townsend. 

 "I've seen Lakeland officials suggest people have nothing to worry about, but as far as I can tell, there are no limits or due process or constraints on this program," said Wessler. "There's nothing stopping the city from expanding this from less than 20 cameras now and over much of a territory as they want." 

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The ACLU is investigating, though it's too early to say whether there will be a court challenge or any other action taken.

Townsend did not respond to FOX 13's request for comment Monday.
