Tonka responds to Md. woman's request for trucks for brother with cerebral palsy

A toy company and strangers are pitching in to help a Maryland woman find a particularly important Christmas gift for her disabled brother.

Cassie Gretschel turned to Reddit recently for help to track down a discontinued Tonka truck for her 25-year-old brother, Max, who lives in Baltimore.

Max has cerebral palsy, and Gretschel says the truck's design is easy for him to play with. It's his favorite toy, and her family is always on the hunt for a new one.

Her post went viral. Gretschel says she's already received one truck and promises of others.

Tonka also took notice, writing on Facebook that employees are searching in the U.S. and China. 

Tonka says it hopes to send "as many as we can find," as well as a care package.